Buy Disposable Wooden Cutlery Wholesale Supplier in UAE

Why Does Your Eatery Need Disposable Wooden Cutlery?

If you are environmentally conscious and want to do Mother Nature a real favor, you should ditch your plastic and even disposable metal silverware in favor of disposable wooden cutlery. Disposable wooden silverware is more than eco-friendly. Yes, it decomposes naturally and sustainably that won’t harm either the environment or wildlife. It’s also practical, versatile, and economical. You’ll learn about other reasons why you should buy wooden cutlery in your UAE eatery.

Disposable Wooden Cutlery Sets Are Sustainable

So, disposable wooden cutlery sets are made from a natural and renewable resource – wood from trees. Sure, you have to cut trees down to create wooden cutlery. But you can always replant those trees faster than you cut them down. So, you’ll help Mother Earth out tremendously. Also, when wooden cutlery decomposes, as mentioned earlier, it does so naturally and sustainably. So your eatery can benefit by using this kind of naturally biodegradable wooden cutlery.

So, you don’t have to worry about dangerous and harmful chemicals and other substances leaching into and polluting the water we drink and the soil that we grow our food in.

You can also recycle wooden cutlery. It’s difficult to impossible to do with glass, metal, or even plastic cutlery.

They Are Safe For Humans and Pets

Because they are completely organic, and contain no harmful chemicals, you can have your kids and pets chew on the wooden cutlery and not have to worry about them ingesting anything harmful. A good example of wooden cutlery that you can have your dog or kid use is the disposable wooden spoon. 

Multipack sells disposable wooden product wholesale in the UAE. It’s one of the leading and most reputed wooden cutlery suppliers in the Gulf states. What sets its wooden cutlery apart is quality and durability – whether it’s their disposable wooden spoons or knives. Its wooden products last for years, even after heavy usage, some abuse, and several rounds in the dishwasher because they’re made from strong and quality wood.

They also decompose in an eco-friendly manner. So, you will have a clean conscious if you ever dispose of them. Their products are portable because they’re lightweight. Wood is a very lightweight material. It is also somewhat porous, so it retains moisture. That’s why you will never have to worry about their cutlery cracking, even after several washings. 

Multipack wooden cutleries are reusable and recyclable. Any country that has a recycling program will gladly recycle its products. And as is the case with all wooden cutlery, Multipack’s brands don’t contain any harmful ingredients or chemicals that you probably wouldn’t recognize, much less would want to unknowingly ingest.

Its wooden products don’t have any rough or sharp edges. So you don’t have to worry about your kids or pets getting injured by them after playing rough with them. That’s always an issue with metal, glass, or even plastic cutlery.

Wooden Cutlery Looks Chic

When you buy wooden cutlery from Multipack , you are investing in quality products that last and look cool in your establishment. Their contemporary beauty and aesthetic appeal act as free marketing for your eatery. Yes, you can use Multipack’s products to market, brand, and set up your eatery and what it sells apart from the competition.

Its appeal goes far beyond looking good. Wooden cutlery, in general, doesn’t scratch, chip, or break (unless of course you deliberately apply excess force to it). In fact, Multipack is one of the leading wooden cutlery manufacturers in the UAE that sells high utility wooden products that eateries, especially in the Gulf states, value for their utility, durability, practicality, and affordability.

They Have A High Tensile Point

Like their metal and aluminum counterparts, the wooden cutlery bulk products that Multipack sells have a high tensile point. So, they don’t burn or melt easily, even when subjected to extremely high temperatures. The same is true for warping. These products just don’t warp, even when subjected to scorching hot temperatures that can melt even metal. 


  • Does wooden cutlery take centuries to decompose?

If you are familiar with glass products, you know that it can take at least 100 years to begin to decompose. The wooden cutlery like the wooden cutlery tray that Multipack sells, will start to decompose in an eco-friendly way and without leaving a carbon footprint in three months or less. Now, that’s amazingly fast!

  • Are there any reasons why an eatery should not use wooden cutlery?

There are two reasons why eateries may be wary about using wooden cutlery. The first is that they’re not waterproof. So, they can start to break apart if they absorb too much water or any kind of liquid. Another disadvantage to using them is that they can absorb the pathogens whatever surface or food item they’re either put on or placed in contains.

  • Why should you use wooden cutlery?

Your eatery should use wooden cutlery because it won’t scratch easily. Also, it’s strong, retains and transmits heat easily, doesn’t affect the temperature of the food it’s being cooked with, looks good, rarely absorbs pathogens, and is eco-friendly.

  • Can you reuse wooden cutlery?

Yes, you can, and that’s especially true of Multipack wooden cutlerise. The reasons are that these products are thick and strong.

To Conclude

You should buy wooden cutlery for your UAE-based eatery if you aren’t already doing so because it’s eco-friendly, affordable, and practical. Wooden cutlery is durable, so you’ll be making a wise investment that will pay rich dividends in the future. You’ll also get free marketing out of wooden cutlery because of its chic and aesthetic appeal. A firm that you should consider obtaining your wooden cutlery from is Multipack. That’s partly because they sell quality products, and it’s partly because they have many satisfied customers who will gladly vouch for them, along with a great reputation.


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