Safety and Hygiene Products

You want good coverage for your eatery for great food and a memorable experience. However, what you don’t want or need is negative publicity stemming from hazardous health conditions. These include insects and rotting food in your kitchen. Your eatery may be forced to close permanently even if you do manage to get a good certificate from the National Health Department.

Since good hygiene always starts in the kitchen, it’s time to explore why it’s important to use hygienic products there in your eatery.

Why Does Your Establishment Need Safety and Hygiene Products?

The UAE Municipality and Safety Department has strict guidelines and regulations for eateries. The reason is that people can get deathly sick and even die from food poisoning in eateries. The American CDC’s latest statistics state that 48 million Americans get food poisoning each year. About 3,000 of them die. Keep that in mind if you own an eatery in the UAE.

Your establishment will get a good certificate from the MSD if your kitchen is sanitised and spotless. You can get your kitchen to be sterile by using certain cleaning products. Blue vinyl gloves protect your hands from harsh and harmful chemicals. Multipack is a reputed vinyl gloves supplier in UAE.

Blue vinyl gloves are practical because they are multipurpose. They won’t tear when you do heavy-duty cleaning. However, they’re gentle enough to keep your hands soft, young-looking, and healthy.

Cleaners Do More Than Kill Viruses

You are likely all too familiar with the word ‘virus’ post-pandemic. You’re aware that bacteria can thrive in the humid conditions prevalent in hot and dirty kitchens. It lands on food that’s either lying out or in the fridge and thrives. People will get sick if they eat that food. One way to prevent that is to keep your kitchen sterile constantly.

You should have your staff clean with bleach. It’s a strong agent that kills bacteria and even viruses. A bonus to a clean kitchen is that it’s far less likely to attract disease-carrying pests. These pests tend to eat food in your kitchen (especially if it’s rotting.) Unfortunately, you’ll need to wear a mask when you use bleach because of its strong and nauseating fumes.

Multipackis a top-rated and popular safety products supplier in the UAE. It sells thick and strong masks that will keep burning and harmful fumes away from your face. They’re flexible and porous enough to let you breathe comfortably.


What is the UAE’s food safety policy?

Eateries must adhere to strict hygiene and cleanliness standards to keep their licences. That means they must use products sold by a licensed and reliable hygiene safety supplier.

What are the UAE’s main food safety security threats?

The main threat to food security in the UAE is the availability of adequate food supplies. The UAE has little farmable land. Worse is that the region is very arid. So, most food must be imported. UAE eateries face challenges in keeping their establishments clean. Many of them rely on Multipack, a respected and leading disposable gloves supplier in UAE for their cleaning supplies.

What foodstuffs can you not import into the UAE?

  • Any food containing pork
  • Any food or beverages with alcohol
  • Non-Halal meat and dairy products
  • Anything with THC in it
  • Any food with banned chemicals and additives
  • Baby food
  • Homemade cooked food
  • Anything with poppy seeds in it

To Conclude

Your eatery in the UAE must be clean and conform to strict safety standards for serving and storing food. So, sanitation and hygiene are crucial. Don’t try to DIY sanitise your kitchen and eatery. Rely on professionals to clean your establishment regularly. They rely on companies like Multipack for cleaning supplies. The reason is that these companies are consistently rated among the leading hygiene products manufacturers in UAE.

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